Helping Your Child Through Pain & Stress

It’s so hard to watch your child in pain, whether that pain is physical, psychological, or both. Here are things that can help.

  1. Prioritize sleep. Our bodies just work better when we are getting enough sleep. Going to bed at about the same time each night and waking up at about the same time each morning helps with this. Listening to ImaginAction prior to bed can help as well.

  2. Make relaxation part of your child’s day. Talk with your child about what makes them feel better when they are in pain and/or stressed. This can be spending time outside, spending time with a pet, watching a funny video, listening to music, or drawing. It’s great if your child can prioritize this every day. Making it part of your child’s bedtime routine is especially helpful, as this can help your child wind down each night and get good quality sleep!

  3. Be smart about screens. This one is so hard! While some screen time is okay, it is important to spend time outside, exercising, and doing things with other people. Turning screens off an hour before bedtime is a great idea. Additionally, give phones and tablets a “home” that is outside of your child’s bedroom.

  4. Encourage physical activity. The best exercise is the activity that your child enjoys. This can be taking a walk with you and/or a pet, or playing basketball, or dancing to fun music. Exercise releases endorphins, which are our bodies’ natural stress and pain-fighting hormones. Plus, exercise helps us sleep well!

5. Model good self-care. It’s really stressful watching your child struggle. One of the most helpful things that you can do is to model good emotional regulation. (Don’t worry, we won’t do this perfectly, and that’s ok!) Make sure that you are getting enough sleep, exercising, and doing activities that feel restful and restorative.

6. Seek out additional resources as needed. Make an appointment with your child’s physician to specifically discuss your concerns. The Meg Foundation also has wonderful resources.

Let me know if I can help! I offer personalized membership-based care for headache management, anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Acupuncture also helps with pain and stress. (I offer that too!)