Acupuncture: What to Expect
What is an acupuncture session like?
Our first acupuncture session will last about an hour. We will get to know each other and discuss your symptoms and treatment goals. Then we will do an initial treatment, typically involving several small needles. The needles typically stay in for about 20 minutes. Most patients, even children, find acupuncture to be a relaxing experience. You may feel a tightening or pressure-like sensation at the needle site. In Chinese medicine this is called feeling the “Qi” (energy). If you feel this it’s a good sign, demonstrating activation of the nervous system and connective tissue. However, some people do not feel this sensation, and that’s okay. This sensation can also feel achy, tingling, or itchy. You are welcome to listen to relaxing music during your acupuncture session. Feel free to have music ready on your phone.
What do I wear to an acupuncture session?
If possible, wear loose-fitting comfortable clothing. You will likely be lying on an acupuncture table during the treatment (similar to a massage table). If possible, it’s helpful for you to be able to remove your socks and shoes. If you’re coming straight from work, no worries! While it’s not typically necessary to change into a gown, I have them available if needed.
What will I feel like after my acupuncture session?
Many people feel relaxed, sleepy, or drowsy after an acupuncture session. Please make sure that you feel awake and alert prior to driving home. Ideally you should avoid intense physical activities for the remainder of the day, but otherwise there are no restrictions. Rarely, some patients may note that they have a temporary increase in pain or other symptoms immediately following an acupuncture session. This usually resolves within 24 hours. If you are noticing this, please let me know at your next session. Minor bleeding or bruising may occur after removal of acupuncture needles. You are always welcome to call or email me with any questions!
Ear stickers and studs?!
I often apply Pyonex acupuncture stickers to the ears at the end of sessions. These can help to prolong the benefits of a treatment. You can leave these on for a week or until they fall off. If they are bothering you (causing pain or discomfort), or if the skin around the sticker becomes red, warm, or swollen, please remove the sticker. You are fine to shower, bathe, and swim with the stickers on. Additionally, I will sometimes insert acupuncture “studs” into the ears (ASP needles). These can also stay in for up to a week, or until they fall out on their own. If a stud is causing discomfort or if the skin surrounding it becomes red, warm, or swollen, please remove the stud by placing your fingernails or tweezers under the stud portion of the needle and pull it out quickly. Sometimes a stud will fall out on its own within a few hours of a treatment. This is fine, and you can still leave in any other studs that were placed. It is normal for your ear to feel hot and be red for several hours after placement of ear studs. Please call or email me with any questions. Of note: Pyonex stickers and ear studs must be removed before an MRI.
How many acupuncture sessions does it take before I see results?
It often takes 6-8 sessions to see significant and lasting results (decrease in pain, improvement in anxiety or depression, etc). Sometimes it can take up to 10 sessions to see results, especially for conditions that have been present for a long time. I typically recommend weekly sessions for 6-10 weeks. After that we can often space sessions out to every 2-4 weeks for maintenance. About 10% of patients do not see improvement with acupuncture. Unfortunately there is not a good way to predict this ahead of time.
If you have questions, feel free to schedule a “meet and greet” phone call.